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Man Arrested, Released, and Re-Arrested 5 Minutes Later

Fukuoka Prefectural Police announced that a man was mistakenly arrested on suspicion of violating the Firearm and Sword Control Law at a hotel in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City, early on February 2. After being briefly released, he was re-arrested just five minutes later on a different charge.

Around 3 a.m. on February 2, a hotel employee called the police to report that a man had set fire to the hotel's banquet hall and was throwing knives around the room, filling the area with smoke.

Police officers who arrived at the scene arrested the man for violating the Firearm and Sword Control Law after he approached holding a knife in his left hand. However, it was later determined that the knife was a non-lethal steak knife, so the man was released about two hours later. But just five minutes after being released, he was urgently re-arrested on suspicion of trespassing in the banquet hall.

The man, a 42-year-old unemployed, reportedly admitted to the charges during questioning, saying, "I have no excuse."

The deputy chief of the police station commented, "We will continue to carry out thorough and appropriate investigations and work to prevent similar incidents in the future."

Viewer Comments:
Throwing a steak knife is pretty dangerous…
We need to stop time before we throw knives like that!
This seems like a tactic to trick the suspect into thinking he’s safe.

Source:銃刀法違反容疑で誤認逮捕→殺傷能力ないステーキナイフと判明 釈放後に別の容疑で男を緊急逮捕 福岡県警 | TBS NEWS DIG (1ページ)
