A 42-year-old man was arrested on January 23 by the Chiba Prefectural Police on suspicion of property damage for spray-painting the words "God" and "Buddha" in gold on utility poles near his home. The police found graffiti at 66 locations around the Yotsukaido area, including utility poles and walls, and are continuing their investigation to confirm the suspect's involvement.
The incident took place on December 6 of the previous year, between 8:05 and 8:10 PM, when the suspect allegedly spray-painted "God" and "Buddha" on a utility pole in the Onjuku area.
According to the police, the suspect has admitted to the crime. He stated, "I noticed delinquent youths gathering near my home and felt that the area was unsafe." He explained that by writing "God" and "Buddha" on the utility poles and buildings, he was trying to create a spiritual barrier to prevent the youths from misbehaving. He added, "I believed that by writing these words, the youths would repent and stop their bad actions."

Viewer Comments:
He’s the modern-day “Barrier Master.”
I guess the weird writing might actually make people stop messing with the poles and walls.
A guy who was born in the wrong era.

電柱に金色のスプレーで「神」「仏」 容疑で42歳男を逮捕「結界を張った」 四街道、自宅中心に多数確認(千葉日報オンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース