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Man with Stockings on his Head Arrested for Stealing a Pack of Cigarettes

A 71-year-old unemployed man was arrested on suspicion of robbery after stealing a pack of cigarettes worth $3.50 from a 7-Eleven store in Joetsu City at around 2:30 AM on the 25th.

According to police, the man entered the store wearing a stocking over his head and holding a knife, then told the female clerk which cigarettes he wanted. When she offered him two packs, he responded, "One pack is enough," took one, and fled on a bicycle.

During his escape, the man reportedly removed the stocking from his head. There were no customers in the store at the time, and the clerk was unharmed.

The man admitted to the police that he committed the robbery because he wanted to smoke.

Viewer Comments:
Strangely humble.
Even with stockings, they’d still recognize your face.
I hope all robbers have this level of laziness.

Source: ストッキングを被った71歳の男 「タバコを吸いたくて」 包丁を手にタバコ1箱を奪う コンビニ強盗で逮捕《新潟》 – ライブドアニュース
