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Man Arrested for Kicking and Killing Rabbit on Japan’s “Rabbit Island”

A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of violating animal protection laws after kicking a rabbit on Ōkunoshima, also known as “Rabbit Island,” in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The rabbit later died from the attack.

Ōkunoshima is home to around 500 semi-tame rabbits and is a popular tourist destination. According to police, between November 26 of last year and January 12 of this year, 77 rabbits were found dead with suspicious injuries, such as broken bones.

The man was arrested on the spot at around 5:30 p.m. on January 21 after he was seen kicking a rabbit on a walking path. A witness detained him at the scene and handed him over to the authorities.

Viewer Comments:
It’s awful that he kept going back to the island just to kill rabbits…
He might start targeting other innocent creatures. He should stay in prison forever.
This is such a beautiful place, and I can’t forgive him for ruining it.

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Source:ウサギ蹴った疑いで男逮捕 広島大久野島、77匹死ぬ | 共同通信
