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Successful Revival of Mouse Brain Slices a Week After Freezing

Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany have successfully revived mouse brain slices after freezing them for one week. The team froze the slices using liquid nitrogen and stored them at -150°C for seven days. After thawing, the brain slices resumed nearly full functionality, with crucial networks like synapses remaining intact.

The key to this success lies in a technique called "vitrification," which uses cryoprotectants to prevent the formation of damaging ice crystals by turning the water inside cells into a glass-like substance. This method helps protect delicate tissues like the brain during long-term storage.

Additionally, evidence suggests that circuits related to learning and memory were preserved, opening the door for potential medical applications that involve safely "shutting down" and "restarting" brain function. This breakthrough could have profound implications for future medical technologies.

Viewer Comments:
The era of cold sleep is almost here!
I hope this technology can be applied to blood transfusions and organ transplants too.
I wonder how they manage to reassemble the separated parts.

Source:Functional recovery of adult brain tissue arrested in time during cryopreservation by vitrification | bioRxiv
