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Passenger Dies During Flight, Passenger Asked to Sit Next to Body

A tragic incident occurred on a Qatar Airways flight when a female passenger passed away mid-flight. The flight was en route from Melbourne, Australia, to Doha, Qatar. Mitchell Ring and his partner Jennifer Collin were seated near the aisle when a woman collapsed. Despite the flight attendants' efforts to revive her, the woman could not be saved.  

Afterward, the flight attendants tried to move the body to business class, but the narrow aisle made it impossible. They then asked Ring to switch seats, placing the body in his original spot. Ring spent the remaining four hours of the flight next to the deceased woman, while Collin moved to a seat across the aisle after another passenger offered to exchange seats.

The couple expressed their emotional distress and called on the airline to show more empathy regarding their experience.

Viewer Comments:
If it was impossible to move her, how did she get to the seat in the first place?
Couldn’t they have used an empty seat to keep her separated?
It must have been really hard to sit next to a body for four hours…

Source:Couple forced to sit next to dead body on plane for 4 hours after woman dies midflight
