The Kobe City Board of Education has announced that a male teacher in his 50s, working at a public elementary school, has been given a one-month pay reduction as disciplinary action.
According to the board, on January 9 of this year, the teacher handed a letter to a female student at the school. The letter contained messages such as "I really like you. You're cute and wonderful." The girl, feeling uncomfortable, reported the incident to the school nurse, which brought the incident to light.
It was also revealed that the teacher had given a similar letter to the same student in December of last year. The repeated incidents caused the student to feel anxious, and she was absent from school on January 14.
After the school principal confronted the teacher, he stopped coming to work and has not returned since.
The Kobe City Board of Education issued an apology, stating, "We deeply apologize for betraying the trust of students, parents, and the citizens due to this misconduct."
Viewer Comments:
It’s strange that the suspect would skip school…
This must be a huge trauma for the girl.
You shouldn’t be falling for girls young enough to be your granddaughter.

Source:女子児童に『ラブレター』渡す 市立小学校教諭(50代)懲戒処分 校長から指導を受けると「教諭が不登校に…」(TREND NEWS CASTER)|dメニューニュース(NTTドコモ)