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Woman Arrested After Crashing Stolen Car into Police Headquarters Wall

A woman has been arrested in Shimane Prefecture for stealing a car from a convenience store parking lot.

The suspect is a 26-year-old woman from Matsue City. According to the Matsue Police Station, around 8:28 AM on March 1, she allegedly stole a small passenger car that a local man had parked at a convenience store in Matsue City.

The man had left his car unlocked with the key inside while he went shopping. When he returned to the parking lot, the car was gone, prompting him to call the police.

Responding officers reviewed surveillance footage and confirmed that the woman had driven away in the stolen vehicle.

At approximately 8:39 AM—just 11 minutes after the theft—the woman drove the stolen car alone to the Shimane Prefectural Police Headquarters and crashed it into a wall in the parking lot.

While investigating the accident, police identified the vehicle as the one reported stolen and arrested the woman on the spot.

The woman was intoxicated at the time and admitted to the charges, saying, "I definitely stole the car" and "I just wanted to visit the headquarters."

Viewer Comments:
She should’ve started with a local police box for beginners.
Didn’t she consider just taking a taxi?
Is this some kind of speedrun for turning herself in?

Source:ナゼ?盗んだ車で直後に警察本部へ 本部の駐車場で事故を起こした26歳の女を窃盗の疑いで逮捕 「本部に行ってみたかった」などと話す | BSSニュース | BSS山陰放送 (1ページ)
