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“Corpse Flower” Blooms With “Sweaty Socks,” “Poop Smell,” and “Putrid Odor” at Botanical Garden in New York, USA

On the 24th, a plant known as the "corpse flower" bloomed at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in New York, drawing large crowds and sparking discussions about its intense smell.

Visitors shared their reactions, describing the odor as: "It smells like a mix of stinky cheese, poop, and sweat." "Ah, now it smells like sweaty socks... like foot odor." "Definitely a rotten smell. It’s similar to rotting food."

The official name of the "corpse flower" is Amorphophallus titanum. Native to Sumatra, Indonesia, it is famous for emitting a foul odor when it blooms. The bloom occurs once every 2 to 10 years, with each flower typically lasting about 24 hours. This plant, which arrived at the garden seven years ago, is blooming for the first time.

Kate Farmoyle, the garden's exhibition manager, explained, "It emits these odors to attract pollinators. Carrion beetles are drawn to the rotten scent. They are attracted to smells like poop, rotten eggs, or stinky cheese. Flowers and plants that smell good attract bees and hummingbirds, while this one attracts beetles and flies."

Viewer Comments:
I kinda wanna sniff it just to see what it’s like.
Looks like we’re getting pulled in like pests too.
Maybe planting one in front of my house could be good for security!

Source:Visitors flock to New York botanic garden for a whiff of a flower that smells like a rotting corpse
