A "Tyrannosaurus Race," where participants sprint in inflatable dinosaur costumes, was held on February 8 at Utsunomiya Kiyohara Stadium. A total of 130 "dinosaurs," including both adults and children in colorful outfits, gathered at the stadium to showcase their speed. After warming up with radio calisthenics, participants were divided into three categories—"Juveniles," "Adults," and "Mixed"—before competing in a 30-meter dash and a tug-of-war.
The event is believed to have originated in the United States at Emerald Downs, a racetrack in Auburn, Washington. There, over 30 runners from Tri-Guard Pest Control donned dinosaur costumes to participate in an annual sprint.
In Japan, the race has been held since 2022 under the leadership of the Japan Tyrannosaurus Racing Federation. Today, races are organized across the country. According to the federation’s representative, while the costumes must meet strict design and size regulations, they can be easily purchased on e-commerce sites like Amazon. Additionally, rentals are available at race venues, making it accessible for anyone to join.
Viewer Comments:
Future archaeologists would probably smile if they heard about this news.
I didn’t expect this to be an event happening nationwide.
In the end, it just seems like a race where the fastest person wins.

Source:恐竜姿で全力疾走…! 宇都宮で「ティラノサウルスレース」 130人参加 – ライブドアニュース
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