In the popular Indonesian resort town of Kota Bunga, a practice known as "pleasure marriage" has been on the rise in recent years. This temporary marriage arrangement usually involves wealthy men from Saudi Arabia and young local women or girls, often taking the form of contractual marriages.
The article describes a 17-year-old woman who married a man in his 50s from Saudi Arabia. They lived together for just five days before the man unilaterally declared a divorce. The wedding was conducted under Islamic law, and the woman received a dowry of approximately $850, but after intermediary fees, she ended up with only about half of that amount. It is reported that she has used an alias and has been divorced at least 15 times over the past decade.
These "pleasure marriages" have become an important source of income for certain regions in Indonesia, with some areas being referred to as "villages of divorcees." Although contractual marriages are illegal, enforcement of the law remains weak.
Mut'ah marriages exist in a legal gray area between religion and state, with a widespread network of intermediaries and officiants involved. Indonesia has become an increasingly popular destination for Middle Eastern tourists seeking "pleasure marriages." However, there is also a growing voice of opposition to these marriages from an ethical standpoint.
Viewer Comments:
People should be regulated when they take advantage of loopholes in the law or system.
This seems wrong both religiously and ethically.
It’s really weird that someone’s been getting married so many times since they were 7.
