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Former Employee Causes Chaos at British Museum by Destroying Internal Systems

The British Museum in London is facing significant disruptions after a former employee illegally accessed the museum’s premises and destroyed several internal systems, causing the cancellation of some exhibits.

According to the British Museum, on January 24, a recently terminated male IT contractor broke into the museum and sabotaged multiple systems, including the ticketing platform.

The former employee was apprehended on-site by police officers and taken into custody.

Although the museum remains open to visitors, the incident has caused widespread disruption. Some exhibitions have been suspended, and weekend visitor numbers are being restricted to address the disruptions.

The British Museum has announced that affected ticket holders will be contacted and offered refunds or alternative arrangements.

Viewer Comments:
Physical hacking? Only in the UK, I guess.
Everyone’s thought about doing this at least once when quitting their job.
Guess firing him was definitely the right call.

Source:British Museum forced to partly close following cyberattack by ex-worker
