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Flight Delayed Due to Passenger’s Wi-Fi Network Name

An American Airlines flight experienced an unusual delay after a passenger's Wi-Fi network name was flagged as a potenti...

Woman Arrested for Throwing ‘First Date’ Engraved Brick at Ex-Husband’s Home

A bizarre incident occurred in Florida, where a 34-year-old woman was arrested for throwing a brick at her ex-husband’s ...

Albino Deer, Born at 1-in-30,000 Odds, Captured on Video

A rare albino deer, which is estimated to occur in only 1 out of every 30,000 births, was captured on video, drawing sig...

Woman Sentenced to Prison for Crushing 10-Year-Old Boy to Death with Her Own Weight

A woman in her 40s from the United States has been sentenced to prison after sitting on the abdomen of a 10-year-old boy...

Court Rules That Elephants Are Not Humans

The Colorado Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the animal rights group Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP), whic...

“Corpse Flower” Blooms With “Sweaty Socks,” “Poop Smell,” and “Putrid Odor” at Botanical Garden in New York, USA

On the 24th, a plant known as the "corpse flower" bloomed at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in New York, drawing large crow...

TikTok-Installed iPhones Listed for $50,000 in United States

Following the enforcement of a TikTok ban in the United States, iPhones with TikTok pre-installed are now being listed f...
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