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Man Who Ate 9 Pounds of Cheese a Day Develops Cholesterol Deposits in His Skin

In the January 22, 2025, edition of the academic journal JAMA Cardiology, a case was reported involving a man who developed yellow nodules on his palms, soles, and elbows.

The man, residing in Florida, had been following a high-fat "carnivore diet(meat-heavy, high-fat diet)" for about eight months, consuming 6-9 pounds (approximately 4kg) of cheese, butter, and hamburgers daily.
After consulting with specialists, he was diagnosed with xanthelasma, a condition where excess lipids accumulate outside blood vessels and form deposits. Normally, these lipids are absorbed by white blood cells called macrophages. However, in cases of xanthelasma, the excess lipids cause macrophages to transform into foam-like cells, leading to visible deposits on the skin.

The doctors stated that "this case highlights the impact of dietary patterns on lipid levels and underscores the importance of managing hypercholesterolemia to prevent complications."

Viewer Comments:
I’ve had something similar happen to me with mandarins.
Maybe this yellow nodules could be sold like blue cheese!
I wonder if this could be called a diet…

Florida man eats diet of butter, cheese, beef; cholesterol oozes from his body – Ars Technica
