crazynews Police Summon Woman in Her 50s for Kissing BTS’s JIN Seoul police have launched an investigation after BTS member JIN was accused of inappropriate behavior by a Japanese wom... 2025.03.02 crazynews
crazynews Thief Who Stole Van Gogh Paintings Speaks Out Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Edvard Munch's The Scream were both stolen in the past. The Mona Lisa was taken from t... 2025.03.02 crazynews
crazynews Over 90% of University Students Are Using AI, Survey Finds According to a report released by the UK-based think tank Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) on February 26, 2025,... 2025.03.02 crazynews
crazynews Over 50 Dead from Mysterious Bat-Linked Disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo A mysterious disease suspected to be linked to bats is spreading in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the death tol... 2025.03.01 crazynews
crazynews The Case of the Stolen Golden Toilet at a UNESCO World Heritage Site – UK Three men are on trial as of February 24, 2025, for the theft of a golden toilet from Blenheim Palace, a UNESCO World He... 2025.03.01 crazynews
crazynews Exclusive Funeral Noodles in China Become So Popular, People Pretend to Be Mourners to Get a Taste In Guizhou Province, China, a funeral home has gained unexpected fame for its delicious suanlatang mifen (hot and sour r... 2025.03.01 crazynews
crazynews Brewing Tea Can Remove Harmful Heavy Metals from Drinking Water A study by Northwestern University has found that brewing tea using loose leaves or tea bags can effectively remove heav... 2025.02.28 crazynews
crazynews Many Perverts Appear Across Japan I've compiled reports of 18 cases of indecent exposure across Japan in the past few days.All articles are written in Jap... 2025.02.28 crazynews
crazynews Stolen Credit Card Used to Buy Winning Lottery Ticket – Victim Offers to Split Winnings in France In France, a man who was robbed discovered that a lottery ticket purchased with his stolen credit card had won, and he i... 2025.02.28 crazynews
crazynews Man Arrested for Indecent Exposure at University Gym in Japan A 33-year-old company employee was arrested on suspicion of trespassing and public indecency after exposing his lower bo... 2025.02.28 crazynews