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Walking Backward Burns 40% More Calories Than Fast Walking & Improves Memory

Walking is one of the simplest health methods that can be approached casually at any time. However, it is said that walking backward, even just a few steps, can yield greater benefits.

Previous research has shown that walking backward improves lower back and hamstring flexibility, reduces back pain, and enhances balance. This is why it is commonly included in physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, walking backward burns 40% more calories per minute than fast walking does. A study published in the International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (April 2014) found that women aged 20 to 40 who participated in a six-week program of walking backward reduced body fat and improved their overall health.

Additionally, walking backward not only strengthens muscles but also boosts cognitive function. A 2019 study found that people who walked backward for 10 to 15 minutes, three to four times a week, showed improved balance and stability compared to those who walked forward or did not exercise regularly.

The cognitive benefits of walking backward come from enhanced spatial awareness and coordination. Since walking in reverse requires greater focus, it strengthens executive brain function. Research also indicates improvements in reaction speed and short-term memory.

Viewer Comments:
Walking backward is even more dangerous than walking while looking at your phone.
Sometimes, looking back is important to move forward in life.
It’s easy to do, but I can’t get over the embarrassment.

Source:消費カロリー40%増 後ろ歩きは早歩きよりも健康に良い | ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版サイト
